How the Gems of Your Zodiac Sign Enhance Your Energy

How the Gems of Your Zodiac Sign Enhance Your Energy

Everyone has experienced changes in the energy around them. These changes can manifest on a physical, emotional or mental/spiritual level. One physical manifestation when the hair stands up on the back of your neck. An example of an emotional manifestation is meeting someone you’ve never met before and feeling an instant connection. On the mental/spiritual level an example would be when you’re near water or in nature and you feel uplifted and grateful.

Did you know you can enhance your energy whenever you want to, just by using your corresponding Zodiac gemstones? Every stone has a different frequency or vibration that aligns with different signs. Below, we’ll take a look at them.

The wheel of a Zodiac year begins with Aries. Those born between March 21st and April 20th are energetically connected to both diamonds and bloodstones. Both help ground and balance, as well as provide protection. Bloodstone particularly strengths the immune system, as well.

People born between April 21st and May 21st fall under the star sign, Taurus. Two lovely green stones, emerald and malachite, are the Bull’s best way to bring about protection and clear negativity. Consider Zodiac jewelry made with both!

Gemini, or those born between May 22nd and June 21st benefit most from wearing the semi-precious stone, Agate. It is balancing, grounding and cleansing for the talkative Twins.

Pearl and moonstone jewelry are the best gifts you can give the Cancer in your life (born between June 22nd and July 22nd). Pearls increase this signs positivity and moonstones enhance intuition.

Ruled by the sun, Leos are born between July 23rd – August 23rd. They resonate with any golden stone, including yellow sapphires or golden topaz, while onyx helps keep them grounded.

Virgos (August 24th – September 22nd) benefit most from the vibrations of sapphires (which enhance wisdom and promote peace) and carnelians which stimulate creativity.

Known as The Scales, Librans are born between September 23rd and October 23rd. To stay balanced and healthy, opal and chrysolite are recommended. Chrysolite especially helps the eyes.

Those born between October 24th and November 22nd are of the sign Scorpio. Beryl is considered the most beneficial stone because it helps temper emotions and protect the physical body.

Known as The Archer, this sign rules from November 23rd to December 21st. Some of the most beautiful jewelry you’ll ever see is created with turquoise. A healing stone, it greatly helps with inner calm and creative power solving.

Your sign is Capricorn if born between December 22nd and January 20th and the Zodiac gemstones that vibrate the strongest are both blue: topaz and lapis lazuli. Lapis particularly helps with protection, peace and boosting the immune system.

Aquarians (both between January 21st and February 18th) should incorporate amethyst into their jewelry choices. This beautiful purple stone helps relieve stress, release grief and enhances psychic potential.

Born between February 19th and March 20th, Pisceans often struggle with their emotions, which in turn affects their health. Aquamarine is a soothing, calming stone that also particularly benefits anything to do with the throat.

The easiest way to use of your particular stones is to wear them in jewelry. The energetic field is then close to your body as day. If you wear your stone as a ring, it is close to your body 24/7, all the more strengthening your connection to your stone’s vibration.

Another way to strengthen your stones is to cleanse them before wearing or using them. One easy way is to set them outside overnight, paying attention to the night sky. The new moon and the waning moon are the best time to infuse your stone with whatever you’re seeking, love, luck, protection, etc. The full moon is the more potent day of the month for any of your intentions. Use the waning moon to release anything you don’t need, such as fear, anger, resentment, etc.

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