Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting Luxury Zodiac Jewelry. This policy explains clearly and simply which of your personal data are collected and how these personal data are used. You will also find essential information on your rights about the sharing, transmission, alteration, or deletion of your personal data. By using the website, you acknowledge and agree to the application of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, do not proceed to further web pages

Please read this document carefully so that you fully understand our privacy policy. This privacy policy is subject to any applicable mandatory local laws and regulations.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Cookies are pieces of data (small electronic text files) stored on your device/terminal equipment that contain data about a user or its device. They allow the storage of information for a determined period of time and the identification of the user’s electronic device.

We use tracking technology such as cookies or tags to gather such information as outlined in this document and to understand how you use the website. Tracking technology helps us manage and improve the usability of the website, for example by determining whether there has been any contact between your computer’s IP address and us in the past and identifying the most popular sections of our website. In concrete terms, the Luxury Zodiac Jewelry server sends information to your computer, mobile phone, or other electronic devices which are then stored on your hard drive. The IP address of your computer or other device is used in order to identify visits from your computer or other device and to keep track of your browsing habits and optimize the time required to load pages.

When you visit the website for the first time, the entry page will show information on privacy and respective wording regarding the consent to the use of cookies through a “cookie banner”. If you continue to actively use the website and do not actively object to the use of cookies, you agree to our use of cookies and your IP address and such consent will be stored in your browser, so that the information does not have to be repeated on every page of the website.

In order to render the services, we install and use certain technically required cookies which therefore do not require your prior consent. We also use session cookies that are automatically deleted at the end of your session and which also do not require your prior consent. Other cookies (such as cookies to improve the navigational experience by keeping a record of certain data – this avoids you having to reintroduce such data at each connection – and by tailoring the content of the services to your preferences) may be installed and used on the basis of your consent. You may, at any time, delete or block cookies in your browser parameters or through Ads settings and Ads settings for mobile apps. However, in such a case, some functionalities of the services or website requiring the use of cookies for technical purposes may be reduced or may no longer be available to you.

We use analytics cookies to gather general information on how users use the services and the website, e.g. which pages they visit most frequently and whether they receive any error messages from websites. These cookies do not collect any data that may lead to an identification of the user. All information collected with the aid of such cookies exclusively serves the purpose to comprehend and improve the functionality of our services and website.

Some of our pages may also contain web beacons which allow us to collect information on the volume and origin of visitor traffic to our pages as well as general demographic information about these visitors. This data is stored anonymously, it does not contain any personal information and can thus be disclosed to third parties, particularly for information or statistical analysis purposes, particularly in order to analyze the performance of our marketing promotions.

What information do we collect from you?

The amount and type of information we gather depends upon your use of the website and, in some cases, what type of information you choose to disclose. We may collect the following information from you:

Personal/Astrological Information 

We collect information from you when you voluntarily subscribe with Luxury Zodiac Jewelry and/or submit your personal information to us over the Website. Such personal information may include your name, email, birthdate, gender, credit card details. shipping address and other information that you voluntarily provide to us.

Device/Internet Connection Information

When you use the Website, we automatically gather information made available by your web browser and device (such as your computer, phone, or tablet), depending on your settings for each. For example, we may collect your IP address, information about the operating system or type of device you use, the date and time you access the Website, and the location of your device.

Other Information

From time to time, we may obtain other information from you, when you request assistance through from our customer service department, and when you voluntarily subscribe to our newsletter. You will always be asked to provide such other information voluntarily, and we will not collect it without your permission.

We do not process your personal data for a longer period of time than necessary.

How Does Ask Astrology Use Your Information?

We use the information we’ve gathered from you, including through Cookies and web beacons, for the following purposes:

To Communicate with You

We use information gathered on the Website to personalize communication with you, and to respond to your requests for services, and information.

To Improve the Website

We use the information we collect from you and other users to provide and improve the Website. As explained above, we use Cookies, to gather statistical information that helps us understand how you and other users engage with the Website and improve its performance.

To Personalize Your User Experience

We use information gathered from Cookies to determine whether you are logged in or not, and to allow you to set personal preferences when using the Website.

In Which Cases Will Your Information Be Disclosed?

We may disclose your information to our employees and affiliates inside or outside your country of residence to perform Services for us. Our employees, affiliates, and third-party providers who have access to personal data obtained through the website are obliged to respect privacy.

We may transfer your personal data to third parties, processors, and partners, who act for us for further processing in accordance with the purposes for which the data was originally collected or for purposes to which you have subsequently consented. For example, sometimes a third party may have access to your personal data in order to support our information technology or help compile and manage the data. When transferring personal data internationally we make sure that we comply with applicable laws and regulations and take steps to make sure that the recipients of your information maintain an adequate level of data protection.

We reserve the right to disclose your personal data in the event of a summons to appear in court, an official court order or any legal process or investigation in order to establish or exercise your rights, or to defend ourselves against claims permitted by the applicable laws and regulations. Your personal data may also be disclosed if we decide that it is necessary to hold an inquiry or take measures regarding potentially illegal activities in the event of a threat to the personal security of any individual, or if you are in breach of the Service.

What other information is collected, used, and disclosed?

We also collect your non-personal data which are used in order to optimize the published website and its content in order to offer you a personalized browsing experience. This information is used to analyze the performance of the website and the way in which it is used by Internet users. This information is also used to offer you products, programs, or Services. It may also be disclosed to and/or shared with third parties if it does not contain personal data.

How Can You Exercise Your Rights In Relation To Your Information?

You have the right to access your personal data, as collected and processed by us, and to request that they be corrected in the event of inaccuracy (if any) or deleted in the event that they are not necessary. You have the right to ask for a restriction of processing or to object to the processing as well as the right to data portability. You also have the right to object to the future processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time, without charge and without justification.

In general, you also have the right to withdraw your consent to any processing based on your consent (if any) at any time. This withdrawal of consent does not compromise the legality of the processing based on consent made prior to such withdrawal. If you consider that the processing of your personal data constitutes a violation of the data protection law(s), you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the place where the violation occurred.

What happens if this privacy policy changes?

Our privacy policy applies to all the information that we process about you. We may occasionally make updates or changes to this privacy policy, which you can consult via a direct link on all pages of our website. These changes and updates apply as of the last update date indicated at the top of this document. We, therefore, ask you to consult it on a regular basis. However, we commit not to make any changes that might weaken the protection of your personal data without your consent.


You can unsubscribe to advertising emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link within the email, or by contacting us through our contact us page. Please note that, even if you unsubscribe from advertising emails, we will still send you any necessary, non-promotional emails about your account or updates to our privacy policy and terms.


Luxury Zodiac Jewelry does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of thirteen (13). In the event that we ever do so, we will strictly comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that we have collected such information in a manner not permitted by COPPA, please contact us as set forth in the section entitled “Contact Us” below, and we will remove such data to the extent required by COPPA.

How Can You Contact Us?

If you have any comments or questions about this document, you can contact us through our Contact Us page form.

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