Wearing Your Zodiac Sign Can Boost Your Creativity

Wearing Your Zodiac Sign Can Boost Your Creativity

You can wear your Zodiac sign many ways; one way is to wear an artistic rendition of the Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Virgin, Scales, Archer, Goat, Water Bearer, or Fish. Another way is to adorn yourself with glyphs or symbols of your sun sign. Still another way is to wear the actual representation of the stars in your sign’s constellation. Last, but not least, you can wear the gemstones that vibrate with your sign.

Here’s how each sign can boost their creativity:


Often called the Warrior, this first sign of the Zodiac is depicted by the Ram: stubborn, impatient and persistent. By wearing the Ram, it warns others to handle those traits accordingly. This sign needs the energy of bloodstone to ground their negativity and energize their creative juices.


If you thought Aries was stubborn, you haven’t met the Bull yet, lol. However, Taureans are more peacemakers and often very creative in the performing arts. Because they can get stuck in their own way, wearing malachite helps them embrace change and risk-taking.


Agate is the go-to stone for the Twins, and it works best set in a pendant depicting their symbol. The square shape of their sign is grounding for the talkative Geminis and allows their inventive ideas to soar!


Those born under the Crab are often incredibly gifted in any artform they pursue, but their moodiness can lead to depression which holds them back. Wearing a pendant made with pearls, moonstone and sterling silver helps to keep them out of the doldrums.


The Lion LOVES the spotlight – with good reason! They are passionate, often born leaders, and enjoy a lot of attention. There are also prone to being intolerant and dominating. The grounding power of onyx will balance their self-control, but be sure it’s set in a depiction of a lion!


While sharp and focused, Virgoans can pigeon-hole and hold themselves back with minutiae. Often perfectionists, these Maidens lose sight of their innovative ideas that are just waiting to be recognized. A charm bracelet depicting their symbol and containing a carnelian will be a daily reminder that there’s more to life than staring at numbers in a spreadsheet.


Ah, the Scales. Very giving and charming. You’ll find many Librans in the performing arts (e.g., Donald Glover, Halsey, Bruce Springsteen and Snoop Dogg, just to name a few). While this sign has great potential for creativity in the arts and law, their wishy-washy nature can prohibit them from making good choices in their own self-interest. Opals and chrysolite can benefit these social butterflies.


The glyph for Scorpions is the letter “M” with a devil’s tale at the end. Passionate, sexual and intelligent, they often succeed in any field of creative endeavor. What they must keep in check, however, is their anger and tendency to manipulate. Wearing a ring featuring a scorpion with the stone, Beryl, will help them keep those negative traits in check.


The Archer is a fire sign known for being frank and fearless – traits that can sometimes get them into trouble. Sag’s need turquoise in their lives to bring out their sense of humor, creative problem solving and induce inner calm. If you search on Sagittarius constellation jewelry, a turquoise stone is usually part of the design.


Known as “The Achiever,” the Goat is the most dependable sign of the Zodiac. They usually put others before themselves, but in the process, disconnect from their creativity. Blue topaz and lapis lazuli, two gorgeous blue stones, look wonderful in a pendant showing the Goat in all its glory. It will help them to embrace fun and novelty which are crucial to release their inventiveness.


One of the most misunderstood signs because everyone assumes they’re a water sign due to their symbol being the Water Bearer. They are actually an air sign, highly individualistic (beat to their own drummer) and exceptionally creative. Since they don’t feel the need to “fit in,” they are often considered eccentric. What holds them back is dwelling in the past. Amethyst, especially in a titanium setting, can help release them from that which they can’t control.


The Fish are the quintessential water sign. Highly spiritual and empathetic, they are also the moodiest sign of the Zodiac. Existing in the day-to-day world is a struggle for them, as they take the weight of the world on their shoulders. Their symbol is that of two opposing fishes seeking wholeness, best combined in jewelry with any of the blue-green stones, such as fluorite or aquamarine.

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