Why Wearing Your Zodiac Sign Brings You Luck

Why Wearing Your Zodiac Sign Brings You Luck

Do you feel luckier some days than others? You wake up and read your Zodiac horoscope and it says to expect wonderful things to happen. Or on a walk, you find a four-leaf clover or a shiny penny. These are all things that can you make you feel luckier.

Another way to enhance your luck is by wearing your Zodiac sign. Below is a guide to jewelry for each of the 12 astrological signs.

Aries ^

This first sign of the Zodiac is a fire sign and is ruled by Mars. Aries people are passionate and head-strong thus their symbol is the Ram and their precious stone is the diamond.

Taurus ­­_

Taurus is an earth sign, ruled by Venus, and the symbol is the Bull. Known to be hard-working, they are also the hedonists of the Zodiac. They like fine food, wine, and beautiful gemstones. Appropriately, the Taurean gemstone is the emerald.

Gemini `

Gemini is the first air sign in the Zodiac wheel. It is ruled by Mercury and its sign is The Twins. Be sure to buy a pendant or bracelet that contains two white sapphires for the greatest luck!

Cancer a

The moon rules this water sign and its symbol is the Crab. Like all the water signs, they tend to be more emotional, even downright moody. The pearl gives Cancerians balance and a daily water connection.

Leo b

The “pride” of the Zodiac, the Leo symbol (or glyph) is a shorthand representation of the Nemean lion. Another fire sign, it is ruled by the sun. Many Leo people find the yellow sapphire increases their luck.

Virgo c

Virgo is another earth sign, and the symbol is The Virgin. Like Gemini, they are also ruled by Mercury. People under this sign tend to be practical and a bit perfectionistic. They’re lucky gemstone is the beautiful blue sapphire.

Libra d

Librans are also ruled by Venus. This air sign’s symbol is The Scales. As such, they can have difficulty making up their minds. They do like pretty things and opals are their luckiest semi-precious stone.

Scorpio e

Scorpio a water sign ruled by Mars and is often considered the most mysterious and sexiest sign of the Zodiac. Nothing makes a Scorpion luckier than wearing deep golden topaz jewelry.

Sagittarius f

Sagittarius is known as The Archer; a fire sign ruled by the financially lucky planet, Jupiter. They love to travel wearing their lucky stone, the exquisite turquoise.

Capricorn g

Capricorn is a grounded earth sign, but its symbol is that of a the Sea Goat. Known for their reliability, blue is their lucky color and blue topaz and lapis lazuli should be worn for any trip to the casino!

Aquarius h

Aquarians are an air sign, but their glyph is the Water Bearer. They enjoy being a “little different” and walk their own path, hopefully while wearing their lucky stone, the deep purple Amethyst.

Pisces i

The final sign of the Zodiac is watery Pisces. They are also ruled by lucky Jupiter and their symbol is The Fish. An emotional sign, they have to work hard on balance. The best gemstones to help them in that regard is the shimmery blue-green aquamarine.

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